Greetings to you in the name of our risen Lord Jesus Christ! I am thrilled to have you experience JBC as an important building block in your life. Welcome to an unlimited opportunity for life, spiritual formation, and happiness, not only for your physical wellness and success, but also for your spiritual well-being as you seek to glorify God and edify the church.

Judson Education Center, aka Judson Bible College, exists to equip the Saints (immigrants and refugees) from Myanmar, who have been resettling in the United States since 2008. There are 136 graduateswho are serving Myanmar multi-ethnic churches in the United States and Malaysia. The Judson Bible College, USA campus, currently has 75 students enrolled in 4 programs: 18 in the Certificate in Neighborhood Transformation program, 22 in the BA in Theology program, 22 in the BA in Ministry and Organizational Leadership program, and 13 in the MA in Theology program. For the 2022-23 academic year at Judson Bible College, Malaysia, there are 85 students enrolled: 32 students in the BA in Theology program, 11 in the MA in Theology program, and 42 are studying for the Diploma in Teaching.

Judson Bible College-Myanmar has an initial four students pursuing a Certificate in Theological Studies. The Judson Education Center JEC-Penn Foster High School Diploma for English Learners program has seven students in Myitkyina, Kachin State, in partnership with Penn Foster High School (Grades 9 -12) for those who are striving to earn US high school diplomas, as well as 40 English Language Learners (ELL) in partnership with the Theological Education Department of Siyin Region Baptist Association (TED – SRBA) to equip “Church Leaders and Missionaries” in Myanmar (launched in June 2023). This brings the overall total of students connected with JECBC to 201.

Recently, it was exciting to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Judson Education Center aka Judson Bible College, at which time JECBC became a contextualized partner of Kairos University.

Prayer Concerns (Project, 2025):
➢ To have 100 students in USA, 100 students in Malaysia, and 100 students in Myanmar
➢ To have the Judson Education Center Building for Mission Resource Center to provide
Cultural and Language Training, Church Consulting Services, and Judson Bible College. I thank you for choosing to experience Judson Bible College as your educational selection for life and preparation for the ministry of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom!

Serving together for Christ,

Thuam C. Khai, EdD, PhD
President and CEO

Greetings from Academic Associate

Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am honored to extend my warmest greetings as you begin to prepare your journey of ministry.

Judson Bible College exists to address the most pressing issues facing humanity. In the twenty-first century, we fully engage the academic enterprise but recognize that intellect alone will not solve the challenges, it is our faith that motivates us to focus a strong emphasis on the Scripture. As we embark on a new season of 2024 academic exploration and spiritual growth, your journey in theological education is not merely an intellectual pursuit; it is a divine calling to seek that diligently engage with the Word of God, as Paul charged to Timothy, that a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth, 2 Tim 2:15. The ultimate purpose of the Judson Bible College is to equip, empower, and entrust ministers who will be able to teach others.
This new academic year promises new opportunities, challenges, and moments of growth for all bof us. As your Academic Associate, I am committed to nurturing spiritual formation that promotes excellence in teaching, learning, and research. I pray that our collective efforts contribute significantly to our student’s academic and personal development with profound encounters with the divine, transformative insights, and a deepening of our faith.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s love, and the Holy Spirit’s fellowship be with us as we venture into the academic year ahead. In His service

J. Pau D. Lian, DMIN, PhD.
Academic Associate