Courses are offered on a Trimester basis, each course meeting for four Saturdays from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for a total of 32 class hours. Students are expected to attend all the classes. Should a student need to miss a class, the student needs to contact the instructor in advance. Absences are acceptable for personal illness or caring for a spouse or child who is ill. JBC recognizes the importance of participation in cultural events such as weddings and funerals. One may be excused from class for congregational responsibilities such as leadership meetings or training for Sunday School teachers.

Student Responsibilities
In cases where a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor or fellow students to get his/her assignments as well as notes on the content of the class time that the student missed because of his/her absence.

Academic Integrity
It is challenging to learn in a language other than one’s mother tongue. There are times when it is helpful to talk with a fellow student to understand concepts and instructions better. However, it is never acceptable to copy the work of another student and submit it as one’s own work. Should this occur, the instructor will decide how to lead the student to repentance, what credit, if any, to give for the project, and require the student to do an alternative project.

Integrity is expected and demanded of all godly leaders. Descriptions of integrity include not only honesty, truthfulness, and reliability, but also uprightness of heart. “What appears on the outside is what we are on the inside. There is no discrepancy between our appearance and being.”
Plagiarism is an extremely serious issue, striking at the very heart of integrity. The simplest definition of plagiarism is the copying of content that has been created by another person and deceptively using it without giving clear credit to the rightful owner of the material. Plagiarism is an offense that is taken very seriously by Judson Bible College. Thus, it carries a potentially severe penalty of a heavy deduction in grade, being dropped from the course, or expelled from Judson Bible College programs.

Never attempt to create a false impression in the facilitator’s mind by making up some of your research “data,” stretching the truth when you ask for an assignment extension or quoting someone else’s words as if they were yours. These are not small things. They are deliberate signs of a lack of integrity. Do not excuse them in yourself and help others to resist them if you can. Plagiarism can be a very complex issue because, as good students, researchers, and leaders, we all need to be informed by other people’s thinking. None of us lives and works in isolation from the good thoughts and research of others, and our writing should reflect the fact that we are working on the foundation of other people’s work. That makes us good scholars, and it also helps people to respect our work more highly. However, we also must give credit to the people who have helped us. So, here is an ethical principle to keep in mind when you are quoting or learning from the writing of others as you develop your assignments: When in doubt, give written credit! List the author, date, title of article and journal (or book, etc.), and relevant page numbers. When quoting from an article on a website, be sure also to state the date that you accessed the article, since web-based article links can change frequently.

Grading System
100-95 A (4.00) 88-86 B (3.00) 79-77 C (2.00) 70-68 D (1.00)
94-92 A- (3.67) 85-83 B- (2.67) 76-74 C- (1.67) 67-65 D- (0.67)
91-89 B+ (3.33) 82-80 C+ (2.33) 73-71 D+ (1.33) 64-0 F (0.00)